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"We see how the early childhoood experiences are so  important to life long outcomes. How the early environment literally becomes embedded in the brain and changes its architecture". Andrew S. Gardner

Hours of Operation

Our hours of operation are 6:45 am to 5:30 pm,  Monday through Friday excluding center holidays:

  • New Year's Eve & New Year's Day

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day

  • Lundi & Mardi Gras

  • Good Friday & the Monday after Easter

  • Memorial Day

  • Fourth of July & July 5

  • Labor Day

  • Thanksgiving Day & next day

  • Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, & December 26

State Assistance Program

As part of the state establishing a unified early childhood system, the Department of Education (LDE) operates the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). The Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) helps low-income families pay for child care while working or attending school or training. Adventure Awaits will participate in CCAP program. Please visit  if interested in receiving child care assistance.

More About our Program

We  offer only full time All year Child Care- All year child care services for the entire school year  are provided from 6:45 AM to 5:30 PM Monday through Friday, August through July.  We don't offer part time or drop off care.

  • Our center is currently rated Proficient by Louisiana Department of Education Early Childhood Rating Scale.  Please view our school report card.

  • Our teachers are observed by CLASS reliable observers (tool used to measure teacher's effectiveness in different domains) from state and local observers which is used to come up with our school score. These observations are planned and unplanned to be a fair assessment of thier classroom and teacher practices used on a daily basis.

  • Our school utilizes daily all Tier 3 curriculum, earning the highest quality rating by the Louisiana Department of Education.

    • Infants, One year olds, & Two year olds- Teaching Strategies, Creative Curriculum ​for Infants, Ones, & Twos

    • Three year olds- Frog Street Threes

    • Four- Five year olds- Frog Street Prekindergarten

  • Teachers collaborate and plan weekly lessons that follow the state's  Early Developmental Learning Standards (EDLS) lessons, activities, and centers are developed to help children master these standards.

Infant Class 

Our infant class is designed to be a home away from home for your baby. We are looking forward to helping your baby become socially and emotionally secure.  Our infant curriculum gives your child experiences and opportunities to build a foundation for future learning. This age is such a critical age in the development your child.  Our infant room and teachers strive to:

  • make this transition for the child and parents an easy and seamless one

  • provide large, safe space for play and exploration also a separate retreat and resting

  • nuturting care for your child's personal needs

  • teacher and infant interaction through games, activities, and books

  • playtime experiences that help develop cognitive, social, and motor skills

  • experiences that develop curosity and opportunities for socialization

  • provide regular communication between teacher and family, including daily reports

  • provide time for play on the Infant/Toddler playground area

  • age appropriate toys and furnishings to assist in learning and development

  • practice safe sleep practices


Toddler Class

Our toddler class is designed to allow your child to safely explore the world around them and make connections to grow socially, cognitively, and physically. Our toddler curriculum gives your child opportunties to learn through hands-on fun activities. We strive to have young leaners who are eager and excited to learn and grow. Our toddler room and teachers strive to:

  • have a balance teacher, group, and individual activities for toddlers to participate in

  • provide large, safe space for play and exploration and separate spaces for retreat 

  • daily circle time/morning meeting to build a class bond and provide opportunities for socialization

  • learning centers focused on reading, dramatic play, blocks, art, music, sensory, gross motor, & math

  • daily schedule that help build security and confidence

  • themed units that are incorporated in whole, small, and individual activities

  • provide regular communication between teacher and family, including daily reports

  • help develop self-help skills in feeding, cleaning, dressing, and eating

  • provide time for play on the Infant/Toddler playground area

  • age appropriate toys and furnishings to assist in learning and development

​Two Year Old Class

Our preschool class is designed to begin to teach your child the fundamentals needed for school.  Our preschool curriculum is designed to give our newly independent preschoolers opportunities to explore, socialize, share, and learn.  The curriculum aims to lay the foundation for school and provide multiple ways whole group, small group, learning centers, art, music, and individual learning to help your child reach their potential.  Our preschool (two year old) room and teachers strive to:

  • have a balance teacher, group, and individual activities for preschoolers to participate in

  • provide large, safe space for play and exploration and separate spaces for retreat 

  • daily circle time/morning meeting to build class bond and provide opportunities for socialization

  • small group activities to help engage learners and help them grasp new skills and concepts

  • learning centers focused on reading, dramatic play, blocks, art, music, sensory, gross motor, & math

  • themed units that are incorporated in whole, small, and individual activities

  • begin learning foundational reading (alphabets, sounds) and math (numbers, shapes, sorting) skills

  • provide regular communication between teacher and family, including daily reports

  • help develop socialization skills and modeling problem solving skills

  • provide time for play on the Preschool playground area

  • age appropriate toys and manipulatives to assist in learning and mastering skills

Preschool & Pre Kindergarten (Three and Four Year Old) Classes

Our preschool & pre-kindergarten class is designed to help begin to master the fundamentals needed for school.  Our preschool & pre-kindergarten curriculum is designed to help them become problem solvers by using their knowledge to solve problems

in and out of the classroom.  The curriculum aims to bridge transition from preschool to school and provide multiple ways whole group, small group, learning centers, art, music, and individually to help your child reach their potiential.  Preschool & PreKindergarteners will prepare our students by giving them opportunties to ask questions, make a plan,  carry out a plan to solve problems, and revise the plan to solve the problem.   Our goal is to help our students become confident, eager, independent, resourceful learners. Our preschool (two year old) room and teachers strive to:

  • have a balance teacher, group, and individual activities for preschoolers to participate in

  • provide large, safe space for play and exploration and separate spaces for observation and experimentation

  • daily circle time/morning meeting to build class bond and provide opportunities to practice fundamental skills

  • small group activities focusing in language concepts and math to help engage learners and help them grasp skills and concepts

  • independent learning opportunities in journals and projects to show growth

  • learning centers focused on practicing skills taught in class

  • Reading, Math, and Social Living Concepts that are incorporated throughout the day in multiple settings

  • opportunities to explore their interest and develop creativity

  • begin learning foundational reading (alphabets, sounds) and math (numbers, shapes, sorting) skills

  • provide regular communication between teacher and family, including daily opportunties for home learning

  • help develop socilazation skills and modeling problem solving skills

  • provide time for play on the Preschool playground area

  • age appropriate toys and manipulatives to assist in learning and mastering skills

© 2015 by Adventure Awaits learning academy

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3172 Highway 316 Gray, LA 70359                Phone-(985)262-8221


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